2D Components

class canvas

Bases: object

class framing

Bases: object

class guides

Bases: object

class text

Bases: object


For context, Matplotlib’s typesetting works as follows.

  • Five typeface families are defined: serif, cursive, sans-serif,

    monospace and fantasy.

  • Each family has a list of typefaces associated with it.

  • The user then chooses a family to typeset a plot, and the first typeface

    in the family’s typeface list found in the user’s system is used to do so.

Matplotlib allows users to modify the lists of typefaces of each family through its runtime configuration (rc) dictionary, ``matplotlib.rcParams` <https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/introductory/customizing.html>`_. This dictionary will be referred to as rcParams.

MPL Plotter sets lists of its own for each of the typeface families, as well as choosing a default and fallback typeface for math.

The typesetting of text in MPL Plotter is defined by two parameters:

  • font

  • font_math

Furthermore, MPL Plotter allows the user to set the default color for all text, including title, labels and floating text, with the parameter font_color.


If the font attribute of the plot is one of these families, rcParams font.family entry will be set to plot.font, thereby making the first found typeface of the plot.font family typeface list the chosen typeface for text in your plot.

Otherwise, that is, if the font attribute of the plot is not one of the families, the provided font will be insert``ed to the *serif* family typeface list, and the ``rcParams font.family entry will be set to serif, thereby making the provided font the chosen typeface for text in the plot.


The font_math attribute of the plot determines the typeface used for math through the rcParams 'mathtext.fontset entry, and it may take the following values:

  • cm (Computer Modern)

  • dejavusans

  • dejavuserif

  • stix

  • stixsans

Lastly, Matplotlib allows users to choose the typeface of bold, calligraphic, italic and other highlight typefaces for rendered math. MPL Plotter does not provide an interface for this, but it can be done my manually setting the value of the following entries in rcParams:

  • mathtext.bf

  • mathtext.cal

  • mathtext.it

  • mathtext.rm

  • mathtext.sf

  • mathtext.tt


The default text color, set through the rcParams text.color and axis.labelcolor entries, may be overridden, and MPL Plotter offers the title_color argument to that effect in the case of titles. To override the color of tick and axis labels or other text in a plot please consult the Matplotlib documentation. As long as you do not set show=True in the call to an MPL Plotter plotting class, you are free to continue customization afterwards, including but not limited to text color.
